Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Peacock Cake" for Mom's 60th Birthday

Mom's 60th Birthday Cake 1/19/2012

This cake was a special cake as I made it for my mother for her 60th birthday.  She loves Peacocks and I thought it might be fun to do some hand painting.  The inside was her favorite my white wedding cake recipe which I have spent many many months perfecting.  I swirled some color into the batter to create a whimsical look when you cut into it.  I used her favorite colors Purple, Blue etc.

this was my first attempt at multi color swirls
once the cake was complete, I began to stack and fill it with vanilla butter cream and raspberry filling.

Then we are on to the fun stuff...
I pained each feather individually and created the topper out of rice crispy treats.

and the final product...

She loved her cake and it made her 60th Birthday memorable.  The beautiful thing about making cakes for those I love is that I actually get to see them enjoy them.  Only problem was that my mother could not eat all of that cake and took the remainder to work with her to share with her co-workers.  
I have an idea for smaller cakes... stay tuned...

on a side note, I wanted to share with you what it looked like once it was cut into...